Rooted in the Gospel message of Jesus, SES equips students for spiritual and moral development, empowers their desire for academic excellence, and energizes their spirit of leadership to the community around and beyond them.
We give witness to Gospel values through the hearing of the Scriptures, through prayer and worship, and through acts of loving service within our school and throughout the surrounding community.
We experience the saving power of Christ in our lives through a faith-filled environment rich in the celebration of the sacraments.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the ever present Teacher in every classroom, the Model for our faculty, and the Inspiration for our students.
We recognize that each student brings a unique perspective and a variety of talents to the classroom where active participation in student-centered learning is nurtured and enhanced.
We are a community of learners always open to change and looking for ways to promote continuous growth at all levels among the staff, the student body, and their families.
We support our parents and guardians in their role as the first educators of their children through shared responsibility, resources, and open dialogue.